How to use meta tags to increase website's ranking and visibility?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the way to increase your website's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) through organic (non-paid) search strategies.
Why SEO is Important ?
Seo helps increase the visibility of your website on search engines and it also helps search engines to understand your website's content to show it on the relevant searches on the search engine.
How the Search Engines Work?
To achieve optimal SEO, it is crucial to understand how search engines operate. Some search engines use bots to review websites and identify appropriate keywords and search intent. Others use algorithms, such as Google's PageRank. To learn more, you can visit this
link to understand how Google's search engine works.
Use of suitable tags for search results:
Meta tag are used to describe a web page's content. The information in meta tags is not visible on the web page itself, but it exists in the source code. This information is displayed in search engine results and helps crawlers better understand the web page.
Following is the sample code demonstrating how to use meta title and description.
The above tags must be used inside the head tag for your webpage.
Following image shows where the meta title and description is shown.

Different meta tags usage
title : Title of the web page.
description : Description of the webpage.
keywords : Keywords related to the webpage's content.
Open Graph meta tags for social media
og:title : The title of the shared link.
og:description : A brief description of the content.
og:image : The image to be displayed in the link preview.
og:url : The URL of the shared link.
og:site_name : The name of the website.
Following code shows how to use these tags :
Queries answer :
1. What is SEO?
2. How can I improve my website's SEO?
3. What are meta tags?
4. How to use meta tags?
5. How to improve website ranking in search results?
6. How can I improve my website search ranking?
Upload Date: 23rd July 2024